Your work is serving patients and healthcare providers. Our work is helping you do that as effectively as possible.

Empathy in action 

Daman’s proprietary Lean Healthcare Innovation Framework and Co-Creation processes have empowered dozens of leading pharmaceutical brands to create innovative digital products that work for patients and healthcare providers — for better outcomes across the board.

What can we Co-Create for you today?

Roche logo

A deep dive into the cancer patient’s journey

Mapping and meeting patient needs with Roche

Mapping and meeting patient needs with Roche

Aligning a brand strategy to best serve KOLs, HCPs and patients starts with a deep understanding of the customer journey

We helped Roche, a leading global provider of cancer treatments, strengthen relationships with key opinion leaders and identify valuable opportunities to serve unmet needs of both patients and healthcare professionals.

How? By mapping the journey of a woman living with ovarian cancer as she manages the clinical, logistical and emotional hurdles of the disease.

The problem
Roche was interested in developing digital activities for patients and HCPs but was unsure of where to start. They engaged Daman’s services to build a deeper understanding of the best development opportunities for guiding the Roche brand plan and strategy.

The innovation
The Daman team conducted a deep dive into the patient journey to identify the unmet needs of patients and HCPs. We interviewed patients and ran several Co-Creation workshops with patients, relatives and HCPs (including surgeons and oncologists).

After validating our research findings with specialist nursing professionals, we published a 17-page report featuring Bente, a fictional ovarian cancer patient undergoing treatment. This was a comprehensive visual timeline of key points in a typical patient’s medical and emotional journey through diagnosis, treatment and recovery.

The outcome
What began as a simple exploration of digital activity opportunities ended as so much more. Roche walked away from our collaboration with valuable insight into how to align the brand’s strategy to develop valuable offerings, created stronger relationships with HCPs and better serve patient needs.

A data-informed innovative pharmaceutical launch

Launching strategically with Gilead Sciences

Launching strategically with Gilead Sciences

Combining unique research methods unlocked deep market insights — and the secret to a highly successful pharmaceutical launch in a crowded market

Gilead, an American biopharmaceutical company, called upon Daman’s expertise to stand out from the crowd as they launched their new rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatment in a highly competitive market. We built a market insight-based launch plan that combined qualitative research with real-world evidence (RWE) data.

The problem
As a small newcomer to the rheumatoid arthritis treatment market with stiff competition from larger, well-established players, Gilead needed a smart and unique launch plan for their innovative RA drug.

The innovation
Combining qualitative research methods with RWE analysis to build a successful launch strategy and unlock deep market insights.

The Daman team conducted interviews and analysis of RWE from anonymized RheumaBuddy data.

Anonymized data collected via the RheumaBuddy app

The outcome
Daman’s unique approach to integrating qualitative research with RWE data — captured in a 16-page report with images — empowered the driven, passionate and cross-functional team at Gilead to launch their new RA drug in a highly competitive market.

Increasing patient adherence with Bristol Myers Squibb & Pfizer

Co-Created tool to support vulnerable cardiology patients

Simple paper questionnaire for waiting rooms at cardiology departments and general practitioner clinics.

Sometimes solving the problem is as simple as properly identifying it first. In this project, we used clinical observation and hand-held prototypes to help clinicians help their patients.

When cardiologists and other key opinion leaders (KOLs) realized three out of 10 patients struggled to continue taking their life-saving blood-thinning medication within a year of initial prescription, Bristol Myers Squibb and Pfizer teamed up with Daman to Co-Create a solution to increase medication adherence.

The problem
How can healthcare providers support the patients with the biggest need for treatment but the least bandwidth to engage in behaviors that lower health risks?

The first step was finding them. 

Through participant observation at clinics and a Co-Creation process with cardiologists and general practitioners, Daman discovered these patients were falling through the cracks during busy consultations. Short appointments and rushed conversations didn’t give the patient space to be honest about their adherence.

Conversations usually went like this:
Physician: “You are taking your blood thinners, right?” 
Patient: “Sure, of course.”
In reality, up to 30% of patients were not taking their blood thinners, which increased their risk of a stroke.

The innovation
Daman created a simple patient questionnaire for waiting rooms at cardiology departments and general practitioner clinics. This handheld, easy-to-implement tool was paired with conversational guides for healthcare professionals.

The outcome
The questionnaire and conversational guides helped healthcare professionals identify and support patients who were not taking their blood-thinner medication. With these tools, medication adherence rates improved and patients enjoyed better health outcomes.




To help people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) feel more in control of their illness, we invited rheumatologists and patient organizations around Europe to Co-Create RheumaBuddy.

Screens from the RheumaBuddy app

The problem 
Those with rheumatoid arthritis face limited community support and difficulty managing their daily symptoms. With a complex condition and a lot to discuss, patients and healthcare providers struggle to fit everything into short appointment times.

The innovation 
A digital therapeutics tool that helps people with RA understand, accept and adjust to life with the disease. This improves their daily life and helps them collaborate with their rheumatologists.

Patients are guided to reflect on personal values and goals. From there, they are supported with evidence-based recommendations to improve their lives and well-being.

This supported self-management tool is inspired by the Act-Commit theory. Our goal is to help people understand the disease and how it affects their body; accept this new phase of life; and commit to daily changes that will improve their quality of life.  

The outcome 
An improved patient experience, better health outcomes and a pan-European collaboration.

Personalized goal-setting and coaching users to be more engaged in their treatment, and the app’s active virtual community helps users feel more supported and empowered.

With a comprehensive record of the patient’s symptoms available to share on the app, healthcare providers are able to spend less time reviewing data and more time directly helping their patients.

The MyTreatment module in RheumaBuddy allows people living with RA to receive education and support in managing their specific medications. Along with tailored medication reminders, MyTreatment helps patients to improve their treatment outcomes, thus reducing the potential for flares.

CO-CREATED In collaboration with

Update! RheumaBuddy has been awarded an EU grant to transform the current app into a next-generation precision-medicine platform using medical, behaviorial and digital biomarkers. This is a pan-European project collaborating with research institutes and data science partners across leading organizations in Rheumatology. Read more here:

An interactive learning platform for physician-pharma collaboration

Engaging healthcare providers with Takeda Pharmaceuticals

How an interactive platform is making department meetings for healthcare providers a high-quality learning collaboration

Daman was asked by Takeda, the largest pharmaceutical company in Asia, to develop a tool for mutual learning with the healthcare providers who endorse their treatments.

As a small newcomer to the rheumatoid arthritis treatment market with stiff competition from larger, well-established players, Gilead needed a smart and unique launch plan for their innovative RA drug.

The problem
Tight regulations and a time-pressured healthcare system have made it increasingly difficult for the pharmaceutical industry to meaningfully engage with the healthcare professionals who treat their patients with Takeda products.

The innovation
In close collaboration with the Takeda team, we built a highly functional tool for HCPs to share their clinical experience with peers and collaborators. This patient case program enables HCPs to have better conversations and quickly share information through polls, voting and other interactive exchanges.

The lean service development process emphasized rapid user testing, fast launch of a minimum viable product (MVP) and iterative user-centered design.

The outcome
This interactive platform enabled Takeda to access healthcare providers’ well-established tradition of case study review, with the goal of increasing the use of Takeda’s treatments across therapeutic areas.

With this tool, HCPs are empowered with an enhanced learning experience as they share and develop content, facilitate peer discussion, and use Co-Created polls and quizzes to engage their audiences on the platform.

Patient-centered clinical research for evidence-based outcomes

Building a patient-centered digital solution & dataset with Janssen

Screenshot of sleep tracking and questionnaire overview.

How an innovative digital health solution with smartwatch integration supports psoriatic arthritis patients in clinical trials

Multinational pharmaceutical company Janssen saw a need to go beyond traditional clinical trial measurements to better understand the impact psoriatic arthritis has on people’s daily lives.

Using our signature co-creation and Lean Healthcare Innovation Framework processes, we worked with Janssen to develop an innovative and highly engaging sub-group study to collect patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) for psoriatic arthritis.

The problem
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) symptoms like morning stiffness and fatigue can be debilitating. But the subjective and diverse experiences of people who have PsA make it a difficult condition to study in traditional clinical trials. To develop effective treatments, clinical research needs to be more directly informed by patient experience.

The innovation
A powerful digital health service that’s centered around the patient’s experience.

Using a smartwatch to collect longitudinal patient data and digital biomarkers for calories, movement and sleep, Janssen found a unique way to engage patients and capture valuable data on the impact of PsA on sleep and activity levels.

The service also collects weekly digital patient questionnaires, patient-reported outcomes (PROs), and other health-related quality-of-life indicators to keep participants motivated and engaged.

The outcome
By leveraging the power of digital health services and co-creating with people living with PsA, Janssen is building a more patient-centric approach to clinical trials. This means future research into PsA will yield more inclusive and holistic insight into how the disease affects individuals.

And in the short term, it’s a win-win for all: Users of the digital health service benefit from highly relevant personal suggestions for managing their PsA. Janssen benefits from robust evidence-based R&D and unique market differentiation.

YouthCancerForces (UngeKræfter)

Creating Community for Cancer Patients

A group of researchers at Rigshospitalet, one of Denmark’s leading hospitals, needed our help to launch a digital tool that helped healthcare professionals provide better care for young people with cancer and created a community for patients to connect.

The problem
Young people with cancer face social challenges like isolation and a lack of support. Healthcare professionals and researchers often struggle with providing optimal care for young cancer patients due to a lack of comprehensive data on the patient experience.

The innovation
A digital tool to help young cancer patients connect with each other and find community: YouthCancerForces

The outcome
YouthCancerForces enables both of Rigshospitalet’s goals: It generates data to help researchers and medical teams better understand — and treat — adolescent cancer. It also empowers young patients to connect with others to share advice, support and treatment information.

The solution is now chosen as standard of care in all of Denmark and is undergoing implementation in all hospitals. Moreover, the solution is considered in other European markets.

“YouthCancerForces means a lot to me because it allows me to spend time with people who have the same thoughts and have been through the same experiences. It’s a place where I can relax and be myself.”
A young YouthCancerForces co-creator

CO-CREATED In collaboration with


guiding YOU through YOUR fertility treatment

Websitet Fertililitet.Info

To help expecting parents navigate their fertility treatment journey, Daman developed the platform with German biotech company Merck.

The problem
Fertility treatment can be an overwhelming and emotional journey. Many people struggle to understand the different options and factors that may affect their treatment.

The innovation
A platform that features short videos explaining the different fertility treatment processes and options:

Daman conducted interviews and workshops with people who have participated in various fertility treatments. With a deep understanding of user needs, we were able to help Merck present complex clinical information in a more personalized and digestible way.

The outcome provides a valuable resource for people going through fertility treatment by empowering users with personalized information on their various options and factors. The platform is available in Denmark in support of Merck's commitment to improving fertility treatment outcomes.


CO-CREATED In collaboration with

NET Quiz

educating healthcare professionals

To help nurses and physicians remember important details about conditions they treat, Daman Co-Created a digital gamified solution called NET Quiz with global healthcare company Novartis.

The problem
During busy times at the hospital, healthcare professionals may struggle to remember every detail about every condition they treat, which can affect patient care.

The innovation
Daman worked with nurses, doctors, and a pharmaceutical company to Co-Create NET Quiz, a digital gamified solution specifically designed for healthcare providers in Norway and Sweden treating neuroendocrine tumors (NET). The tool includes localized content adapted to the healthcare guidelines of each country.

The outcome 
NET Quiz has been successful in supporting healthcare professionals who treat neuroendocrine tumors, and the tool will soon be expanding to Denmark.

CO-CREATED in collaboration with

Patient Decision Aids


As part of its national cancer strategy, the Danish Health Authority is encouraging shared decision-making between cancer patients and their healthcare professionals. Daman was selected to transform the idea into a digital solution. Together, we Co-Created Patient Decision Aids (PDAs).

The problem
Patients with cancer often face many obstacles in their treatment journey, including the overwhelming amount of information and the need to make difficult treatment decisions. This can lead to a decreased quality of life and suboptimal treatment outcomes.

The innovation
A Co-Created Patient Decision Aid for breast, lung and colorectal cancer patients, based on internationally validated frameworks and a database of treatment specifications and dilemma scenarios.

The PDAs support patients to reduce the overwhelm of decision-making and encourage collaboration between patients and physicians when evaluating treatment options.

The outcome
The success of the PDAs has led to plans to expand the platform to other types of cancer. Overall, the PDAs have proven to be a valuable resource for cancer patients and their healthcare teams in promoting shared decision-making and better treatment outcomes.

CO-CREATED in collaboration with

Danish Health Authority
Andreas Dam CEO

Let’s innovate together 

How can we help you serve your audience?
We’re here to make your goals a reality.
Reach out today to start the conversation.

Andreas Dam, CEO

+45 51 90 60 20