
Creating Community for Cancer Patients

Screenshots from Kræftværket

A group of researchers at Rigshospitalet, one of Denmark’s leading hospitals, needed our help to launch a digital tool that helped healthcare professionals provide better care for young people with cancer and created a community for patients to connect.

The problem
Young people with cancer face social challenges like isolation and a lack of support. Healthcare professionals and researchers often struggle with providing optimal care for young cancer patients due to a lack of comprehensive data on the patient experience.

The innovation
A digital tool to help young cancer patients connect with each other and find community: Kræftværket.

The outcome
Kræftværket enables both of Rigshospitalet’s goals: It generates data to help researchers and medical teams better understand — and treat — adolescent cancer. It also empowers young patients to connect with others to share advice, support and treatment information.

The solution is now chosen as standard of care in all of Denmark and is undergoing implementation in all hospitals. Moreover, the solution is considered in other European markets.

“Kræftværket means a lot to me because it allows me to spend time with people who have the same thoughts and have been through the same experiences. It’s a place where I can relax and be myself.”
A young Kræftværket co-creator

CO-CREATED In collaboration with